There are definitely some weird facts about every country in the world, but not many of them hold a candle to the craziness that is Japan.
1. You can go to a "cuddle cafe"
2. Karaoke is a Japanese word

It means "empty orchestra."
3. Blackface is a popular trend in Japan, but it's not meant to be offensive at all

In fact, young people who participate in "ganguro" are rebelling against the traditional beauty standards of the country where lighter skin is considered more beautiful than darker skin.
4. Uneven teeth is a fashion statement

Uneven or snaggle teeth, known in Japanese as "yaeba" is very popular among Japanese kids.
5. Slurping is considered polite
It's actually considered a compliment to the chef if you slurp your noodles.
6. There are capsule hotels

The idea originated in Osaka. The hotel features small capsules that are designed for an easy overnight stay.
7. Hadaka Matsuri is a huge naked festival

Well, mostly naked at least. The men wear loincloths to compete for a prize that will apparently give the winner a year of happiness.
8. A popular food in Japan is raw horse meat
"Basashi" as it's known, is considered a delicacy.
9. Japanese schools have no janitors

Instead the students have to clean up for themselves. Time is set aside each day for them to take care of all the tasks you'd expect a janitor to do.
10. You have to wear special bathroom shoes

Since a lot of bathrooms don't have a separate area for the shower, the floor can often be very wet.
11. You're encouraged to nap at work
It's called "inemuri" and since Japanese employees often end up working VERY long hours (sometimes 19 hours straight!) napping is encouraged to keep productivity up.
12. Poking someone in the butt is incredibly normal

Kids will often clasp their hands together in the shape of a gun and poke a passer-by in the butt and shout "kancho!"
13. They hold the record for the world's shortest escalator
If you head to the basement of More's Department store in Kawaski, you'll find an escalator that has only five steps.
14. Japan has a "suicide forest"

Aokigahara is a forest at the base of Mount Fuji and is the second most popular place in the world for suicides. The most popular place in the world is the Golden Gate Bridge
15. The oldest company in the world is in Japan

Kongō Gumi Co., Ltd. is a construction company that was founded in 578 A.D.
16. Japan drinks A LOT of coffee
About 85% of Jamaica's coffee production each year is sent to Japan.
17. After World War II, Japan changed their constitution
An amendemnt was added that renounces all war and aggression.
18. Many companies have fairly passive agressive ways of firing you
Because they'd have to pay you a severence if they fire you, many companies have created "banishment rooms." An employee is sent to one of these rooms and given tasks that amount to basically busy work, hoping you'll eventually quit.
19. Love hotels are very popular, and they're exactly what you think

They're hotels that can be rented by the hour. The hotels are often pretty cheap and include different themed rooms.
20. A lot of Japanese men refuse to leave their rooms

"Hikikomori" is a condition where men lock themselves in their room and refuse any contact with anyone. Many psychologists agree the condition is related to depression as well as the anxiety surrounding Japan's social pressures.
21. Women used to dye their teeth black

This was an ancient Japanese tradition. White teeth were considered ugly, so women used to dye them.
22. A LOT of people getting adopted in Japan are adults

In fact, 98% of all adoptions are men between 20 and 30. This has a lot to do with owning a family business. If a family has no son to keep the name alive, they'll adopt an heir into the family.
23. Melons can get outrageously expensive

A nearly perfect musk melon (which is similar to a cantaloupe) can sell for up to $300.
24. KFC is a VERY popular Christmas food

People in Japan don't really celebrate the holiday, but KFC was popular with foreigners in the country around the holiday since they had trouble finding a whole chicken elsewhere. Eventually, the people of Japan started following the trend, and now you have to make your KFC reservation months in advance.
25. The literacy rate is almost 100%

Japanese citizens are VERY devoted to education.
26. Canned food restaurants are a thing in Japan

Mr. Kanso Canned Food Restaurant doesn't have a traditional menu, you just pick out the can.
27. Becoming a Fugu chef is a very daunting endeavor

Fugu is a poisonous blowfish that if prepared wrong will kill whoever eats it. It takes 11 years of training to become a Fugu chef, and you have to taste your own food before you can pass the test.
28. 70 percent of the country is mountainous

That includes two volcanoes.
29. There is an island full of rabbits

Okunoshima is an island located in the Inland Sea. It's home to thousands of rabbits that roam free.
30. A 593-pound tuna was once sold in Japan

The Tsukiji market auctioned the big fish off for $735,000.